Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Converting DataView To DataTable

We oftenly need to convert DataView to DataTable during development. Here I have created a generic function to convert a DataView object to DataTable object. You have to just call this function to get DataTable object of DataView object.

public static DataTable CreateTable(DataView obDataView)
if (null == obDataView)
throw new ArgumentNullException("DataView", "Invalid DataView object specified");
DataTable obNewDt = obDataView.Table.Clone();
int idx = 0;
string[] strColNames = new string[obNewDt.Columns.Count];
foreach (DataColumn col in obNewDt.Columns)
strColNames[idx++] = col.ColumnName;
IEnumerator viewEnumerator = obDataView.GetEnumerator();
while (viewEnumerator.MoveNext())
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)viewEnumerator.Current;
DataRow dr = obNewDt.NewRow();
foreach (string strName in strColNames)
dr[strName] = drv[strName];
catch { }
return obNewDt;

Happy Coding...